What is Body Compassion?
Body compassion is an idea that captures how an individual relates to their body. The Body Compassion blog is a passion project born of a lifelong fascination with the intersection of mindfulness and body. The hope for this blog is that it serves as a resource and a platform for exploration of how we as human beings interact with and experience our bodies, as individuals and collectives within society and culture. The earliest working definition of the academic construct of Body Compassion was “the regarding of one’s own body, in appearance, competence and health, with mindfulness, kindness and awareness of common humanity.” This definition is a work in progress, just like you and me.
Jenn Altman, PhD
Greetings! I’m Jenn Altman.
I write for human beings who are interested in diving deep into their present-moment experiences living in a body. I distill research on mindfulness and body into bite-sized, enjoyable reads and share how to apply the knowledge.