I was recently traveling on a flight from Louisville, Kentucky to Denver, Colorado. Sitting next to me was an older man, dressed as you’d expect of the prototypical southern gentleman in his suit and bow tie, who appeared to be in his 80’s. When I sat down in my seat he exclaimed with some surprise,…
Quick note: Some thoughts on McMindfulness
While waiting in the checkout line at my local grocery store the other day, I glanced over the headlines on the magazine covers and every single one had some mention of the word “mindful.” Mindful parenting, mindful gardening, mindful exercise, mindful naked beer tasting… Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea….
A Powerful Foundation for Life
Moving further onto the path of mindfulness and genuine body compassion requires a few things: *A sense of openness and curiosity about new ideas, material and experiences. We each come to this space with a lifetime of conditioning—ways of relating to new things, ideas about how the world works, and habitual thought patterns. It is…
Inherent Well-Being
As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you, no matter what is wrong.1Jon Kabat-Zinn said that—it’s one of my favorite statements, ever. And yet, our typical response to any difficulty or illness is to focus on the troublesome parts of the experience. As a human being alive…
A Very Brief Introduction to Mindfulness
What exactly is mindfulness? That is a big question—more than can be answered in one simple blog post (hence an entire blog exploring mindfulness and body). But let’s give it a go, at least a little mini-intro to some of the basics. In many ways’ mindfulness can be compared to a baby learning to walk….